Palmar's Signature: Unique Pieces
The Art of Upcycling: From Second Hand to Fashion
Palmar meets
Calling the Sun
Get to know the inspiration and the creations behind UNIQUE PIECE. Here you can read how we start this project and from where comes all the fabrics we use, the messures and how did the clothe and other process.
Read about each one.
- Text: Palmar
- CD/AD: Sara Munoz
- Photography: Santiago Marzola
In 2021 after the Covid Pandemie i came to Sweden to visit my sambo and we had a great summer, we did our favorit things; Camping, traveling, go to the beach, walk in the forest and go to a lot of Loppis.
Loppis is one of my favorit things in Sweden, for the ones that dont know what is it… is like a garage sales or a second hand sores. In the Loppis i always fall in love with the fabrics and courtains they have, so one day i decide to buy one and do me clothe with them.
This yellow fabric we found it in a Loppis in Valdermarsvik, thats the place where we always go in summer. This used to be twor courtines and we decide to do one open shirt with short sleeves and one short with pockets. We are also doing right now a drees with the same fabric.
Set Colombia
Get to know the inspiration and the creations behind UNIQUE PIECE. Here you can read how we start this project and from where comes all the fabrics we use, the messures and how did the clothe and other process.
Read about each one.
- Text: Palmar
- CD/AD: Sara Munoz
- Photography: Santiago Marzola
Set Colombia is what we can call our signature piece. Is made in one of the most well done 100% Hemp fabric, is a suit that we embroidered with the illustration of Isabel Machado or A ojo Studio inspired in us and the story we want to tell.
This piece translate some of our values, no printing or water use, hemp which is the material that less harm do to the environmental and is not massive done.